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Kevin McAloon


Inter generational Housing.  Demolish modern property and only keep the main building as a community hub for resident classes (fitness,  hobbies, cafe, etc) and build affordable housing as period property in radial boulevard streets outwards from the hub.  Green spaces to be developed as communal gardens/ allotments at the outer areas btw the radial streets.  


Lynne R


Not familiar with the building but would restore areas to former glory where possibe. This could be a community project involving local colleges. Students would be assessed on the job to assure standards, joiners, electricians, plumbers, decorators etc. Local horticulture students could landscape and design a sensory garden. Large DIY companies in the area supporting the project with materials. 


The building when finished could be a wellness and creativity centre. Arts and crafts workshops could be run and work displayed and sold on site with commission tkane towards building's upkeep. Rooms could be rented for all sorts of treatments that would beneift the wellbeing of the community, for example yoga, mindfulness, reiki etc. This facility would be for all ages and affordable to all, perhaps treatments could be on a pay what you can afford basis.


To add it would be great to include a community kitchen and garden. Healthy cooking classes run and then food created sold to maintain upkeep. Fresh food market could be run regularly charging local producers per stall to go back into the centre. 

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