Below are some of the views, thoughts, photographs and walks from our supporters. You can find many more on our Facebook page where we are thrilled to have grown to over 600 members.
Contact us at info@ourgreenwarrington.com if you would like to add your photographs and comments.

Beauty on the river
"A walk in the sunshine from Wooslston to Rixton - along the River Mersey
Karen W
"It was a cloudy day and I was feeling blue at the thought of another day in lockdown. So I took myself off to the woods at Grappenhall Heys. I walked through the ancient woodland, delighted to pass fellow walkers and runners, all of whom smiled and said hello. I kept walking, feeling better for the fresh air, exercise and the scent of nature around me. And then I came to a clearing, revealing the most beautiful, vibrant green fields and trees as far as the eye could see..."

"I have discovered the wonderful Stockton Lane, a beautiful location adjacent to the Bridgewater Canal. Walking along the lane first thing in the morning before I start work, I hear the birds sing and I gaze out across the fields. I feel as though I am in, I don't know, rural France or something."

by Dave Weston
""Set in the beautiful countryside of South Warrington" - is how the marketing departments of housing developers describe Appleton, Stretton and Grappenhall Heys.
I imagine that is how housing was marketed in North Warrington years ago. Today, North Warrington has little or no greenbelt or green space left after a surge of overdevelopment.
Sadly, it seems the planners are attempting to do the same with a massive development of houses and industrial trading estates in the last remaining Warrington greenbelt and green space over in South Warrington. It seems the future isn't as rosy as the developers are suggesting - so come and enjoy it while you can.
You could of course try to help save it."

Growing up with green space
"From hanging out in Woolston Park and bike rides around Risley Moss, to going on a bear hunt in Grappenhall Woods with my own daughter I couldn't imagine growing up without green spaces to explore."
The Woods at Grappenhall Heys
"A new discovery for me during lockdown is the beautiful Grappenhall Wood - entered via Lumb Brook Road. The tall trees provide a great canopy in inclement weather and when the sun shines through the leaves it feels magical and peaceful. Our regular route through Alexandra Park, then the Millennium Field, through Grappenhall Wood and following the paths all around the fields means that our dog can be off his lead and the boys can cycle safely for at least 7k. If we are feeling adventurous we tag on The Dingle at the end, which is always stunning and full of birdsong. "

Paddington Meadows
"My earliest memories were in the fifties when Woolston New Cut was operational with swinging bridges and locks at either end manned by lock keepers. Cows grazed in fields on either side. When Mrs Thatcher was Prime Minister, she directed all local authorities to find land for building. The local community was warned that the Meadows could be at risk, and to be on our guard. Thankfully, today this area is still outstandingly beautiful, especially in the spring when the hawthorn blossom is in bloom. Hay is made annually. Woolston Heritage Ecology Group is very active and many people enjoy the open skies and peacefulness. Long may we continue to enjoy the Meadows."
The Eyes Have It
"Although I haven't lived in Warrington for quite some time, it is the place of my birth and as such holds a special place in my heart. Whenever I'm back for a visit, I love to go around Woolston Eyes, a haven of calm amidst the bustle of everyday life. This area provides not only a quiet breathing space for local people, but is an important site for wetland birds and overwintering wildfowl. I love that I can cycle with my own children around an area which has remained largely unchanged since I was a girl myself.
I hope that they will be able to say the same."

Lumb Brook Fields
"I have recently discovered a magical place to walk in Grappenhall; through the woods and then out into the countryside surrounding Lumb Brook Road and all the way down to Stockton Lane.
I have spent many hours walking there, breathing in the pure, clean air, feeling my spirits lifting as I walk past ancient trees and around wonderful, open fields. During this difficult period of lockdown I have felt my mood improve hugely, and feel without doubt being there improves my mental health and wellbeing. I look forward to many more years of walking in this beautiful, peaceful and traffic-free oasis of calm."
Treasure these natural spaces
"Despite living in Warrington for most of my life, I have only recently discovered the beautiful woods in Grappenhall and Appleton. The peace and tranquility these green, natural spaces provide should be treasured. Their importance to mental and physical wellbeing has only become more apparent to me during these past few months."

Walks on our Doorstep
"Great walk this evening! Coming from Stockton Heath village, along the Bridgewater canal to Red Lane Bridge, off the canal and walk up to the allotments, then take a right along a dirt track road. From here take your pick from many beautiful walks, packed with stunning views and scenery you wouldn’t have a clue were hidden away here!"
A touch autumnal, with a light ground mist...

Winwick Walking
"This walk is in Winwick. Approx 5km.
Enter public footpath at Hollins Lane, around field to Newton Road, cross over follow public footpath (entry at old school house lane) follow path across field until you get to Hermitage Green Lane, turn right to golbourne road, turn right till you reach public footpath sign on left. Follow path to waterworks lane, turn right then right on to Hornby Lane, right in golbourne road, left onto green lane, at bottom turn right and cross over back onto public footpath that leads back to Hollins Lane.

A touch autumnal, with a light ground mist...
"Up before dawn watching the lightning storm, I was on No.3 bed at Woolston Eyes before 6.00 am. It felt a touch autumnal, with a light ground mist, a heavy dew and a chill in the air. That soon passed, though, as another steam-hot day slowly emerged. Thinking of autumn turned my mind to the incredible volume of fruit and berries which are spread across the whole Reserve, as autumn food for the birds. The crop of Blackberries and Elderberries are particularly attractive to Blackcaps, which arrive in their hundreds in September, while the Haws (fruit of the Hawthorn) and Rowan berries draw in thousands of winter thrushes from October onwards."
Dave Bowman, Woolston Eyes Nature Reserve
Learn more about Woolston Eyes Nature Reserve
South Warrington Moonshot
"One of my favourite shots, moon in the middle. I didn’t realise at the time I took it until I zoomed in after."
Dave Weston