Quirkiness, Character, Culture, Countryside
How do we create great places? How can we improve our environment and protect the town's natural capital for the benefit of future generations? How do we ensure that local communities are involved in the shaping and development of Warrington? How do we make the town a more attractive location for visitors and business?
It is vital that future plans for our town better involve communities from an early stage, with genuine collaboration between decision makers and residents; bringing together local knowledge and ideas from people who may have different perspectives to share.
We need plans that protect our local countryside, improving access to it for all. We need plans that focus on development with a real sense of place, that focus on regeneration of the town centre with attractive and safe accommodation that sits well in its surroundings . Plans that create and enhance public green space in the centre of the town and its nearby neighbourhoods. Plans for new buildings that see beauty as a priority. More trees on our streets. We need more consultation with the public on shaping what we want our local environment to look like and what is built there. We need better scrutiny of property developers. We need sustainability, stunning green spaces, beautiful architecture, striking street furniture, culture, reliable connectivity to the cities, affordable but attractive homes, we need quirkiness and creativity in our vision for Warrington if it is to thrive in the twenty first century.

We are group of volunteers who have come together to celebrate our green spaces, our waterways, our woodlands and our wildlife. We look at the importance of beauty in our built environment and the need for attractive and sustainable homes, interesting public buildings and spaces, tree lined walkable streets, green and safe pedestrian and cycle routes and a sense of place in our communities with easy to access amenities.
We also celebrate Warrington's history and heritage; its architecture, geography and people - the rich layers of experience that have made our communities and settlements the places they are today.
Click on the links below to see ideas, plans, responses to proposed projects, interviews and blogs - and do get in touch if we can help with ideas for placemaking, design and protecting and enhancing our surrounding natural environment.



Interview: Bob Tomlinson, founder of The Living Village Trust and its award winning development, The Wintles - a modern, eco-friendly but also beautiful settlement in Bishop's Castle, Shropshire. Described as "Britain's happiest eco town"

Do get in touch if you would like to become involved with Our Green Warrington. Perhaps you have ideas for interviews or blogs, or are aware of community groups doing great things in Warrington. Or perhaps you would like our help with ideas for regeneration, community projects, development sites, enhancing and protecting our natural landscape and wildlife habitats, or simply want to have a chat about our group.
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